Jewellery Design in ZBrush

Jewellery Design in ZBrush is a sort after topic being able to be creative inside ZBrush and actually produce a finished product is a very valuable skill.

I have produced a few really helpful videos on the subject which can be found below and also included a special Promotional Discount to my course: Jewellery Design in ZBrush

ZBrush 2019 Speedy Jewellery ring base creation with boolians and re-meshing

ZBrush creating a jewellery ring base scale master

Creating a Jewellery Ring base to size inside ZBrush

As 3D production and detail increases it is becoming pretty standard to produce your own jewellery inside ZBrush with unlimited creative freedom.

Sizing your Jewellery Design in ZBrush is a skill that also needs to be respected and the use of the transpose and scale master plugin it is now possible to get very precise measurements in ZBrush.

The Process
What I like to do is set up my ring bank and work my design over the top of this adding to it.

Once I have checked the detail thickness an important factor when printing anything (make sure your doing your own detail check and unsupported angle test on your printer)

Once happy with the general design I will then create the shell using numerous techniques, the Boolian feature in ZBrush can be very effective for this process.

Before selling this as a product its essential you get final test printed your self sometimes you will find you might need to add more cavity or height to some of the details so that they print well.

Remember to a certain degree your always going to lose some detail so its important to factor this in.

Take my Jewellery Design in ZBrush course and find out what the possibilities are! find out more about this course here or watch the promo video below.

Special Promotion get this course for £9.99 a saving of £90!

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